A crematorium in #Wuhan. Trash bins full of used bags. If one crematorium cremates so many bodies, given there are 5, 6,7 crematoriums in the city, how many actually die everyday from #coronavirus? (I cannot find info re. No of crematorium. There are over 60 funeral paroles) https://twitter.com/niepanxinglai/status/1222723874455867393 …
... seriousness of the spread in #China, but also the lack of facilities that can handle the rising number of patients.
Also, one thing that #China is hiding is the number of death caused by the virus. Credible Chinese media outlet @initiumnews interviewed people working at local cremation centers, confirming that many dead bodies were sent directly from the hospitals to the cremation centers...
... without properly identifying these patients, which means there are patients who died from the virus but not adding to the official record. That shows the current death toll of 133 that we are seeing is way too low.
"... sans identifier correctement ces patients, ce qui signifie qu'il y a des patients qui sont morts du virus mais qui ne sont pas comptabilisé dans le décompte officiel. Cela montre que le nombre actuel de morts de 133 personnes que nous constatons est bien trop faible. "
Large numbers crow flying in the sky in Hubei, Henan, Tianjin & other places in China after the #CoronavirusOutbreak . People say crow can smell bodies, even before they die. Chinese people regard crow as very ominous #coronavirus
Et au ministère de la santé, je ne vous raconte même pas.
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