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L'esprit est comme un parapluie = il ne sert que s'il est ouvert ....Faire face à la désinformation

USA: accord avec le Brésil et l'Australie pour faire migrer des Américains en cas d'éruption du Yellowstone

Publié par Brujitafr sur 30 Octobre 2015, 10:28am

Catégories : #USA


This map from the U.S. Geological Service shows the range of the volcanic ash that was deposited after the three huge eruptions over the last 2.1 million years.


Maj = les usa ont offert 10 milliards de dollards /an pdt 10 ans au congrès national africain pour…

ANC dit non à R1000 milliards dans la crainte de trop nombreux Blancs »

Le gouvernement de l'ANC a reçu une demande des États-Unis a été rejetée faire partie d'un plan de gestion des catastrophes des États-Unis qui l'Afrique du Sud 10 milliards de dollars par an (environ R100 milliards) pendant dix ans recevrait.

Vue d'artiste de Yellowstone en éruption


If the Yellowstone supervolcano erupts then millions of U.S. citizens could end up in Brazil, Australia, or Argentina.

That’s according to the South African news website Praag, which said that the African National Congress was offered $10 billion a year for 10 years if it would build temporary housing for Americans in case of an eruption.

The potential eruption of the supervolcano, one of the biggest in the world, has been a hot topic ever since videos of animals allegedly fleeing the area before an earthquake were posted online. Although the veracity of the claims haven’t been backed up, dozens of bloggers and others have been trying to figure out what, if anything, is going on.

One of the latest theories is that the U.S. Geological Service and its partners, which keep an eye on the caldera, are hiding data from the public.

The Praag article says that the South African government fears that placing so many Americans in South Africa could dramatically change the country.

“South Africa will not be part of the plan, because there is a risk that millions of white Americans could be sent to South Africa in an emergency situation and that this would pose a risk to black national culture identity,” Dr. Siph Matwetwe, spokesman for the Department of Foreign Affairs, is quoted as saying.

“We have our own challenges, even if there is enough housing and infrastructure available, it will destabilize the country and may even bring back apartheid.”

The gigantic volcano in Yellowstone has erupted three times over the last two million years, covering a huge area of surrounding land. Maps from educational institutions and government officials project that up to 17 states could be fully or partially impacted if the volcano erupted again. The far south of Canada could also get hit, as well as the far north of Mexico.

Scientists aren’t sure when it will erupt next, although many have sought to assure the public that it probably won’t for a while. In reality, the volcano could erupt at any time, though officials would in theory be able to detect an impending eruption and alert Americans to the threat.

Source via Maître Confucius

Commenter cet article

Moi je verrais plutôt la planète Mars. <br /> Avec aller simple.<br /> On imagine une terre sans l'Amérique, c’est-à-dire sans guerres!
<br /> migrer DES américains : seulement l'élite constituante du pays .<br /> <br /> <br /> quelle sinistre farce , ces élites seront le cheval de troie pour les nations qui les accepterons , pour être ensuite liquider aux profits de ces nouveaux arrivants américain .<br />
C'est intéressant de rassembler l'élite en quelque part, dans les souterrains de Denver, ou ailleurs.<br /> Ainsi, d'un seul coup, on évince le mal de la terre en épargnant la grande majorité des citoyens américains.


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