Chelsea Clinton runs from Harvey Weinstein's donation questions
Chelsea Clinton fled to her car to avoid answering questions from a about if the Clinton Foundation will return Weinstein's donations Clinton, a board member of the Foundation, ran ...
Chelsea Clinton fled to her car to avoid answering questions from a reporter about if the Clinton Foundation will return Weinstein's donations Clinton, a board member of the Foundation, ran while she was attending a Clinton Global Initiative University event in Northeastern University in Boston The night prior, Clinton Foundation press officials blocked a reporter from approaching Bill Clinton to ask him questions at a public eventOn Friday night, Bill Clinton gave the opening address for the CGI University conference, and led a conversation with a panel of activists Bill Clinton did not take questions during the event, and press access was tightly restricted Weinstein has given between $100,000 and $250,000 to the foundation, according to its records
Le Pedogate est international - MOINS de BIENS PLUS de LIENS
Au menu :-Trump-Faillite des médias-Fake news d'un journaliste du " Monde"-Militantisme pédophile de la gauche-Militantisme pédophile du Showbizz-Opération "Reclaim and Rebuild"-Cynthia Mckinne...
Le Pedogate est international - Seconde Partie - MOINS de BIENS PLUS de LIENS
Au menu :-Trump-Faillite des médias-Fake news d'un journaliste du " Monde"-Militantisme pédophile de la gauche-Militantisme pédophile du Showbizz-Opération "Reclaim and Rebuild"-Cynthia Mckinne...
Réseau pédophile Clinton/Podesta : le langage codé déchiffré - MOINS de BIENS PLUS de LIENS
Cet article peut être vraiment dérangeant et comporte des images pouvant heurter les âmes sensibles. Leurs publications demeurent néanmoins indispensables à la compréhension de l'article. Bio...
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